My ICT Project Implementation Experienced

Activity 2: Self-Assessment

1. What are the factors you need to consider in creating an ICT Project?
- Project Initiation
- Planning
- Execution
- Monitoring and Controlling
- Controlling and Evaluation

2. What are the difficulties you experienced while doing your ICT Project?
- The difficulties that I experienced while doing my ICT project are having a poor connection or poor internet internet connection and also time management.

3. What kind of content that would encourage or motivate you to participate in a call to action?
- My Advocacy or Platform is all about Women Empowerment because nowadays a of people experiencing violence and discrimination especially girls/women Nc also my project aims to boost self confidence and to express their own freedom of expression.

4. How will you rate your knowledge in creating an ICT Project?
- While creating my ICT project, I super proud to myself, even though I've been experiencing a lot of difficulties while doing my project but still able to finish it

5. Rate yourself from 1 to 10, which is 1 is the lowest and 10 is the highest.
- I will give 10 to myself because I believe that I deserve and try my best.

6. State the reason why you have that rating for yourself?
- My reason why I gave myself 10 because there was a time that I felt so tired and wanted to give up because of difficulties that I've experienced while doing my own project

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